I don't like to put any negative Pit Bull media on here, but this story intrigues me, it involves a Pit Bull and an NFL athlete. James Harrison, who was just in the news recently for not attending the White House celebration of the Pittsburgh Steelers winning the Super Bowl, and again this week for one of his dogs biting his son. I hate hearing this because it strengthens the negative stereotype of Pit Bulls. In one article that I read it stated that the child's mother let the dog out and it bit the boy after he had been crying. Now James Harrison doesn't want the dog euthanized,
he cares so much for the dog. I try to never make any judgements of people when they make decisions like this. I am not a parent of a human child. I understand how difficult it is for Harrison. I love my dogs like they are my children. There could be another place for his dog Patron. Harrison's son has been released from the hospital and only had minor injuries. Again this is a tough one...I have no idea how responsible Harrison is with his dogs or if he raised them from birth or if he was the second owner. My dogs have only been around a few children and I think would be more scared of a child than aggressive. Again, I don't like negative media, but this one has me thinking...It makes me sick to hear all the talk this week about no one should have Pit Bulls around kids and how you should get rid of your Pit Bulls if you have kids. Thoughts Pit Bull Lovers?
I'm not specifically a Pit bull lover so much as just a dog lover in general, but I don't care for the demonization of pit bulls. Like any dog (or really any pet), if brought up in a loving house and socialized, there shouldn't be a problem being around children.
I think sometimes people expect too much from a pet. Discipline from both child and pet should be expected. If a child runs around yanking a dog's tail and generally bothering the animal (and I'm not saying this is what the child in question was doing), why shouldn't you expect the animal to react?
I'm not a dog fan, but my husband likes dogs and pit bulls, and gets annoyed when people put them down.
However, my only point on the subject, whether it be a pit bull or any other large dog, is that if the dog is large and strong enough and is potentially capable of injuring a child (or adult), then it becomes an issue when the parents don't appear to be capable of monitoring the dog and child when together. I have no clue what happened in this example, but if the parents don't want to pay 100% attention when their dogs are around their small children, they should have gotten a chihuahua or a maltese.
No matter how good the discipline on either end, kids are kids and will pull tails, hug the dog too hard, etc. And the dog will react like a dog if pushed too far. True of any dog, it just becomes a major problem when dealing with strong large dogs.
And if all else fails, get your family a cat :)
I feel pretty strongly about this. I don't care WHAT kind of pet you have, there is ALWAYS risk of something happening. My parent's cat has both bitten and scratched the girls. Before Patches, we had a Pekingnese. We were very lucky with Gizmo, but Pekes are notorious for not being good "kid" dogs. Any animal can be taught to be mean OR to be loving.
Parents need to watch their children around pets at all times and teach both the children and pets the right behavior. I personally never leave the girls alone with Patches, even if its just to go take a shower. We took a training class as a family, even Riley who was 2 at the time! From the moment we brought Patches home as an 2 month old, we pulled her ears, played with her mouth, yanked her tail...all so she was used to this.
Unfortunately, accidents happen. Both with or without pets. You answer the phone and your child might get into trouble or hurt themselves. It is the same with animals. You have to do your best.
I think the benefit of having a pet is a wonderful gift to give children. It teaches them responsiblity, and how to love and care for another living creature. The love and care they get back in return is priceless. My girls also learned a HUGE lesson because our Patches is a rescue.
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