Easter Sunday started out early for us. We had scheduled a rain forest excursion that morning and our guys were picking us up at 8am. We grabbed a good breakfast as recommended and our excursion began. EcoQuest was the tour company and I would for sure use them again, our guides Jorge and Sahid were wonderful. They gave us a lot of history on the land we were going out on. It was a private rain forest in the San Salvador area. The people that owned the land wanted to have some extra income for their families so they got EcoQuest to run tours. The company completely came in on this land and built areas for us to hike and explore the rain forest.
We traveled over hill after hill, barely missing a puppy that was running though the streets. Our tour guides jumped out and tried to catch the puppy, but unfortunately he was too street savvy for his own good and bit Sahid breaking skin and then running into the deep brush. Jorge said he rescues a lot of dogs in the area. I knew we had the best guides at this point. So after many more hills and incline, we arrived at the area where we would begin. After some stretching, we began our trek.
Our group consisted of a mom and son from upstate New York and a mom, dad and son from Newport Beach, CA. Everyone was in great shape so it was a lot of fun and kept our tour moving quickly. We walked through streams that were knee deep, we climbed straight up enormous moss covered rocks. This was no walk in the park, this was major exercise.

There were so many beautiful scenes. Waterfalls all around, lush trees and flowers. I couldn't stop taking pictures that I knew would not give this rain forest justice.

After hiking around going up, up, up..it was time to go down. It was time to repel. I had never done this before and I was a little scared. But I will say we really felt comfortable with our guides and I knew we would be safe. It was a 100 ft drop straight down into a waterfall and then into a pool of water. Tony and I were the last to go..it was a little scary to actually to the repelling bc you have to let yourself free fall a little and that's how you actually move downward. Then all of a sudden water is coming down on you and then you are in a pool of water, it was really amazing and I wish I could have taken pictures going down, but it was too tricky.

After repelling we hiked up hill a little more because it was time to zipline. I was scared to do this as well, but so glad we did!! What a view! Again, no camera...I wish I had one!! Gorgeous to go from mountain peak to mountain peak...I loved it!

Here is some of the land...after 3 ziplines we had an authentic meal in the families home. To start we had fried pumpkin and bread fruit, for the main course we had white rice, beans and chicken. I ate the chicken and rice and really like it. As you can see here, they grow a lot of things themselves.

Tony shot some hoops in the rain forest!
Since our group was small our rain forest trip didn't take that long, so I got a little time on the beach.

We had an awesome dinner that night at BLT Steak that night. I really needed some good basic American fare..I had the best lemon rosemary chicken. I can't wait to try another BLT Steak in Atlanta or Miami.

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