Well today is the last official day that I will NOT have two phones. I have cancelled my service with T-Mobile, thus getting rid of my Sidekick. I've had two phones for 4 years. Before that I had a phone and a two-way pager, remember those?..before all the phone texting craze? So after that I got a Sidekick bc it all of my clients had them and it was the best way in keeping in contact with them, I barely used it as a phone, just for texting. Then last year, Sprint came out with the wonderful Blackberry Curve and I got one, making the Sidekick obsolete, but since I was under contract I had to stick with them until today. So no more 901.338.4192 number or kembree@tmail.com email. The Sidekick was great, too bad Danger, the maker of the Sidekick couldn't keep up with the technology out there...bye-bye Sidekick, we had some good times...
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