Wow, so one of the best concerts I've been to was a week ago, but I'm finally having time to actually sit down and gather my thoughts. I heard about the show only a few weeks before and less than a week before the tickets went on sale. I asked Brett for his suite

tickets, but just in case, I bought some great ones the second they went on sale. Brett came through, but it was pretty tough to find someone to take the two extra I had, and I realized that most of my friends (about all) weren't really into Lil Wayne like us. I'm probably one of the only girls that is die hard into hip hop, like getting everything as soon as it comes out and becoming a music snob, bc I only want to listen to the newest things out. The radio here bumps things months and almost a year after they come out. Tony always takes credit for helping me stay current, but I've been like that my whole adult life. I didn't know a single sole going to the show! Tony saw some kids he trained at D1, and Marlon Brown (GA Traitor) was in the suite right next to us. That suite really had a good time! :) Luckily after a few texts, we got a hold of Chris who was in

town and was more than happy to take the two tickets off our hands. Chris is really down for anything, which is great. So Chris came to pick us up in his gorgeous
new car, that Tony is totally in love with. We had dinner and drinks at
Sole, which was pretty much a major disappointment. We had been there once before, but this time they were a little unprepared. They were out of chicken breast, chicken fingers, calamari, Stella, Red Bull and who knows what else we didn't ask for. Tony ordered the $26 oysters (for a dozen) and we spilt the burger. I will say the burger was amazing, like the Interim burger. Chris didn't even eat, he thought the Forum might have something better than Sole had on their menu. Our waiter actually was nice and went and got me a Sugarfree Red Bull from the gift shop...We might give Sole another try, but not anytime soon...
On to the concert..we walked in about 5 minutes after 7pm and two guys were on the stage..never figured out who they were, but they were off in minutes. Next came a
group of girls droppin it like its hot, and didn't figure out who they were either. I later read
that it was Electrik Red, and the song they kept singing was "
Drink in my Cup"(Tony liked it). Next on was Keri Hilson, who I was looking forward to bc I am totally loving "Turning Me On", and always loved "Energy" and her on the hook for "The Way I Are". Her performance was pretty good, kinda weak with only two average backup dancers. I was hoping Wayne would

come out on stage with her, but didn't. She's an Atlanta girl and kept hyping up how she's been to Memphis so many times. Gym Class Heros came on next and I was VERY impressed with them. They put on a great live performance and show. Tony really liked them as well and we both didn't realize that we knew so many songs they performed. They have like a rock/rap vibe, very high energy. After GCH performed for just under an hour, T-Pain's stage was set up for his performance. T-Pain is known as the Ring Leader and her sure lived up to his moniker. T-Pain is a song-writer, producer, rapper, and musician, you name it, he does it, all at 24 years old. He has so many hits, you forget..but he did about all of them. "Kiss Kiss", "Low", "The Good Life", "Got Money", "Bartender",

"I'm So Hood", "She Got It", "Buy You A Drank", "Green Light", "The Boss", "Chopped and Screwed", "Can't Believe It" and one of my current faves, "Blame It" on the a-a-a-a-alcohol...I sure have used that excuse for a lot of things. "Blame it on the Goose, gotcha feelin loose"..Ok..back to the concert. T-Pain, rapped, sang, danced, played the drums, keyboard and the guitar. T-Pain is known for the use of Auto-Tune. It's the process

of changing your voice or pitch and he is the master of it, that's why he's on everyone's hook. I didn't know how T-Pain would be in concert, but will all the dancing and circus themed entertainment, I was just so pleased and would love to see him again. BRING ON Lil Wayne...He pops up from the center of the stage and starts things off with
Mr. Carter, one of my favorites! Jay-Z's voice was just played so they could pull off this collaboration. I love the song, but surprised, bc I didn't realize it would be so popular with the audience. Who am I kidding any hip hop fan knows this song! His presence was amazing. Small in stature, but extremely mesmerizing with his raspy voice and perfect flow. All of 26 years old and wise beyond his years with what he is rapping about. There has been a lot for Lil Wayne to see in his short life. He performed all of his hits, when he did "Lollipop", it was like the first time I had heard it. Wayne even brought some of his protege's

on stage, Chuckee and another little guy, I didn't care for them. But Keri Hilson came on stage to do "Turnin Me On" again this time with Lil Wayne's part included. I gave the people in the suite a show on that one, I think Tony was turnin a little red with my video vixen moves. :) The only song not performed that I really like was "Georgia Bush" about Lil Wayne's Katrina experience. Lil Wayne is not attractive to me, but how intelligent his rhymes are and his performance level just makes him attractive. Lil Wayne
ended the show putting on a boxer's robe and saying "The Best Rapper Alive". The show finally wrapped up around 11:45pm. Whew, is Lil Wayne the Best Rapper Alive? I will have to say he is for sure one of them. The things he raps about and says are so intelligent, yet sometimes in a comical way. I really like his style. We saw Jay-Z less than a year ago in Vegas and Tony might disagree and say Jay-Z is the Best, but Lil Wayne is for sure up there, especially for his age and how long he's been in the game.
After the show, Tony and I had to make a Run for the Border and get some Taco Bell, what!? I never, ever eat Taco Bell, but being the only thing open,

it was just needed. I had a yummy quesadilla to end the evening.