So on Halloween Eve we went to the Historic Woodruff-Fontaine house. Pulling up Mollie Fontaine's Lounge was already creepy looking enough. This paranormal company stayed at the house recording all the paranormal activity going on there and decided to give an account on Halloween Eve and we were totally up for it. They set up recorders and asked the ghosts questions trying to get them to speak. Apparently after this set of Victorian homes in the 1800's were left and abandoned an art school took them over and the students used to see and hear ghosts. So this company wanted to investigate and see what they could find. But there is some back history to it all. This is what I remember of the hour presentation so forgive me if the details are fuzzy. (Julie and Kelly..leave me a comment if it isn't correct!) So the first owners were the Woodruff family and they had a daughter named Mollie. Well Mollie had a lot of heartache early loosing her baby to fever days after it was born. Months after that, he husband died in a freak accident. She later moved out and remarried and lost another child in that house. So Mollie haunts this house. They have heard her and apparently she sits on her bed and you can see the imprint on the sheets. The paranormal experts played the sound but you could barely make out what they were. They would kinda tell you what they were saying so you could make it out. I think they say her first husband haunts it as well, and I think they asked him "Is anyone here?" and you could hear a 'no' faintly. Later on after the Woodruff's sold the house to the Fontaine's and they built the house across the street for their daughter Mollie where the Lounge is currently.
I captured a picture of a ghost..hehehe

Walking into the house

Julie and Greg with ghosts all around..Greg is already scared.

Chris, Kelly (scared face on) and me ready to start the tour

Kelly calling Mollie

Cool headboard

More creepy mannequins, the guy here is channelling George Hamilton.

Kelly and Chris paid extra for the VIP wine and cheese after the tour. Julie, Greg and I had to wait behind the velvet ropes.

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