So when we were younger, all of us, we used to do airbands in our basement. When my family came in a couple of weeks ago for Kamron's birthday we decided to do one, per Kamron's request. I think we sang, "Don't Stop Believing", "In the Air Tonight", "Run this Town" and "Tardy for the Party". Yes, ....a lot of diversity in our airband song choices. There is a video out there..fyi..

Dad filmed, Tony drank...

Come to think of it..was Kamron just directing!?!

After 'airbanding' for a couple of hours we hit up Old Venice for some pizza and more wine. Kelly joined my crazy family, smartly missing out on her You Tube moment in an airband.
We then let my parents go home and went to Dan McGuiness for Karaoke night...dancing during the breaks.

For some reason I said "Look French" and this is what I got.

The next day I made some YUMMY rice while mom surfed the Internet.

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