So I decided Saturday afternoon of Halloween to dress up. I borrowed a costume from Winter and luckily found the antennas at a jam packed Halloween store last minute. We started out at Winter and Sabrina's for a little party. Doesn't Gracie right here look like she could be Lane's long lost sister?

With Winter the Go-Go Girl and Teri the naughty school girl with our ghoulish mojitos.

Thor didn't need a costume, he's a costume in himself! What a big boy!!

After that party we headed down to Bardog for their Halloween party. Kelly was a Go-Go Dancer too and her coworkers were a sexy devil and a scary clown.

Ok, I think I zoomed in too much on this swine flu girl. This is the first of many costumes you could not pay me to wear, well I would need to be paid well to wear this. The spandex was so revealing showing every bump and ripple if you know what I mean.

Ok, I can't even tell who we were trying to get a picture of in this fake one of me and Kelly. Maybe the green M&M..no..hmmmm??

Another one of those costumes..A baby with a saggy diaper?? No thanks!

Don't kill the clown!!

If you can't tell..I'm stinging Tony :)

Ok, some of the great costumes..OctoMom

The first guy is the "I'm on a Boat" video guy, the second is like Donkey Kong I think, and the third, well I wasn't really trying to get him, he just hopped in the picture. I guess he is Indiana Jones or an explorer.

Ok, so this guy won the costume contest! He was hilarious as the guy from The Hangover.

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