After the proposal, we went and looked at this house that we thought we were going to 'steal' at auction, but it didn't actually end up working out, we popped open this bottle of champagne we had been saving for a good occasion. We got it in Napa in January 2008, so we were really holding on to it for sometime. I think it is my favorite champagne.
Congrats again - sorry the house didnt work out - love the pic of the kids - did they help open the champagne!!
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
No, the boys just get their picture taken with everything!! We should have let them have a lick or two :)
OMG!! I love that champagne, b/f and I also got that champagne on our first trip to Napa and made sure to get on our second as well. Haven't seen in TX yet. Glad you were able to use for a special occasion!
Yes, I think it was on one of Oprah's lists!
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