I thought I was just going to 'cab' it around Miami, but then realizing I had a lot of stops to make I decided to rent a car. I have a corporate account with Avis and when I arrived at the counter, I was told they only had Camaro's. I didn't realize it was a 2010 Camaro with only 100 miles on it. Pretty cool I guess and I got to pick the orange color (Go Vols!). I also didn't realize that I would get stopped at every traffic light and stop sign to be asked...How do you like it? What kind of engine is that? Does it go fast? I just saw the movie, is it fun?..etc, etc. It was a fast fun car, but kinda hard to see out the back and really too small for Tony to drive. If I would have gotten yellow, I guess I would have been driving the official Transformer's car..but I do love my orange!
sweet car - our mommy (being the stereo typical italian) wanted one - but ended up with another BMW convertible - they are so much more bully friendly - and it makes our bully mobile x5
Woodrow Sweetie & MJ
oh, yes! This is too small for bullies! Its a small odd shape inside! Funny how we think about cars and our dogs! :) We do the same...like we always drive around with our doggies :)
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