So months ago Christine got a group together to see Wicked at the Orpheum. Originally you could only purchase the entire Orpheum season or get a group of 20 for Wicked. I think Christine got 34 people, mainly girls to go to this show. We ended up seeing 3 of the 4 in the season (Color Purple and Legally Blonde too). I originally was bringing Tony, but found out he might be one of the only guys, so thank goodness Tami was available to bring :) Christine had a great preWicked party at her house, her Witch Mojitos were perfect and yummy.

I think I agreed to go to Wicked with Christine in January and since it was so far in advance, I had kinda forgotten about it, well the exact date, so when I bought by prebook sale ticket for LA Candy, I didn't realize it was on the same night! Oops!! So Wednesday ended up being a busy day..after preWicked partying for about 45 minutes, I was off to meet LC and get my book signed. Tami and I got there about 15 minutes before the signing started and it was already packed! Mainly by girls about 10-15 years younger than us, heck we were the age of some of the mom's there! Oh well, we still had fun. I like doing random things like that. We were in group B and only had to wait about 7 minutes.

We were not supposed to take pictures when we were in line, but I did anyway, and while taking the second one, I knocked over a display of books..oops! Let me tell you, and you can't tell in the pictures, but LC is
tiny!! Her arms and shoulders seems so skinny. On her show she seems in shape and normal sized, but no, in person she is little! Well Tami and I got up there and I said, "Welcome to Memphis", she said thanks. I asked if she got to try any bbq since she arrived, she asked one of her publishers/assistants and they told her they tried Rendezvous. She said she liked it. I told her we were on our way down that way to see Wicked, and she replied, "Is that a cool club?" We explained it was the Broadway play, Wicked...And I think our time was up after that..I'm kinda bummed I didnt get any better pictures.
hehe pretty girlie is right...although if my wife asked me to go i'd probably oblige.
i could see lauren conrad appearing really skinny...wow she's beautiful though!
also, is that donte' in the picture at the top of your page?
I'm reading the book now. The book is a little strange...
Oh, yes LC is beautiful, don't get me wrong, but very petite!
Yes that is Donte'.
yeah she is ; )
how do you know him? no matter what, thats my boy!
Email me kldarakshani@yahoo.com
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