I posted on here before when Eric did my carpets, Persian Rugs and car, but it was time for him to come back, and now he does tile! I had my tile done a few months ago, and they did an ok job, I just had to pay a minimum amount and I felt like it was a little high, I don't have that much tile. There was this stain where I dropped a container of blush and it broke and spilled out on my tile and molding met. I couldn't get it out myself and the last guy couldn't get it. I had given up. I know its so strange that some red colored blush had gotten in this groove about 2 inches long. Well, Eric got the stain out. I didn't even mention it to him, thinking if the last guy couldn't get it, then he probably couldn't either. But to my surprise he did :) I didn't take a before and after of that area, bc again I didn't even show it to him. It was in such an odd place in the corner of my laundry room too. But this is before and after in my kitchen, the pictures don't do justice of how good it looks and feels. With two big dogs, its just impossible to clean it yourself. And as always Eric is a great guy who loves dogs and you don't have to feel uncomfortable with your dogs around him, he has 5 of his own including Pit Bulls, and helps rescue dogs in the Memphis area. I highly recommend Eric and Rotoclean.
Love that he's not afraid to use his dog in his ads! We left an award for you!
wow that is impressive - mabe we need to get him to clean mommys house - we do make such a mess sometines
woodrow sweetie mj
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