Adventures in the life of a Persian American Girl and her Pit Bulls
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Couch Spot
A typical night on our couch..Do your dogs have a special spot? Well this corner has always been Lennox's, well atleast when we aren't sitting there, and even when we do, the last picture is what we get. So now this is Lane's spot too. Atleast they share! Lennox does most of the time get the prime angle on the end so he can prop up his legs and look around the corner if someone is coming in the door.
Wood lays wherever i am - Sweetie has the end of the couch guarding the hall to the kitchen - MJ is still trying to figure out where he belongs - he tried to displace Sweetie but she didnt go for that
They are so cute!! I wish Princess cuddled with me more...she just takes over the whole right side of the couch like it's her thrown and I can be in her space! Cherish it!! ~P's Mom
The main reason I started this blog is to show you some insight into my life and show how normal 'girly' girls like me own the most wonderful breed on the planet. For those scared, confused, or misinformed about Pit Bulls, see that I am just like you and these two boys are my babies. If one person learns something about Pit Bulls from me, I have succeeded. I am a Bellydancing, Jazzercising, Trekking, Boot Camper that loves her fiance and her 2 Pit Bulls dearly. I am a University of Tennesee Grad (twice) and a die hard Vol Fan, no other college teams for me. I am very opinionated and want to save all the homeless dogs in Memphis and around the world...well one dog at a time. Oh and I am also in search of the best bbq in Memphis, by the way.. I am also a small business owner managing the lifestyles of the rich and famous. It's fun and it pays the bills :)
Wood lays wherever i am - Sweetie has the end of the couch guarding the hall to the kitchen - MJ is still trying to figure out where he belongs - he tried to displace Sweetie but she didnt go for that
deb and the bully brats
That's so freakin' cute. I hope my boys cuddle together someday.
They are so cute!! I wish Princess cuddled with me more...she just takes over the whole right side of the couch like it's her thrown and I can be in her space! Cherish it!!
~P's Mom
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