We got up early and walked from the Marriott to the game, on our way in we ran into
Jekia, her mom Judy and
Mikenzie! Then
Mikki stopped by...funny to run into people in such a huge crowd, especially when we were on the phone with
eachother not knowing at all where
eachother was, then happen to be about 10 feet from
eachother in the Vol Walk crowd!
Mikenzie is such a cutie
isn't she!?

I love the tradition of the Vol Walk, when the team walks to the stadium. They changed it up a little this year with the team starting at the Torchbearer statue instead of the complex and Gibbs. I have never seen the streets so crowded with such energy in the air!

We got to Matt
Beeler's tailgate we were meeting Jody and Kevin at and ran into my cousins Timmy and Teri and their kids and friends.

Jody and the girls

There was such excitement on the field before the game!! I love going down there before kickoff and there was such a special feeling this time! The music was even as I call it "Get
Crunk" music and not your traditional stuff to please the old people in the stands..

We ran into Andre Lott and Condredge down there as well.

We had some extra field passes and got my cousin Carley and her dad Timmy on the field. They got so many good pictures that I saw they posted.

We even saw this guy, ya Peyton Manning. There is a Letterman's room off the field for all
lettermen, it is a pretty cool thing with snacks and drinks in it for the
lettermen pregame. Peyton came down there for a second and got swarmed!! I so wanted to get a picture, but you know you cant always do that. So I got him taking one with some randoms..

I love our new J
umbotron, it is just
soooo nice and so much bigger, much needed to keep up with the other major stadiums in the country.

Kamron came and sat with us for awhile, we had a few empty seats around us! It was nice!!


Nikki and Alex
Hashemian came to see us, Nikki is a Senior in high school and Alex is a
sophomore at UT now! So crazy, Tony 'appeared' at Alex's 13
th bday party and played football with the kids. They have grown up
soooo much!

Ran into Stacey at the tailgate post game!

Tony and Mark at the new press level/club level side of the stadium. Mark was telling us that this was to all be bricked by next year, but painted to look like it now.

Gotta love the Vol Navy!!

I love my city, Knoxville..

Sunset from Sugarwood, our backyard :)