So last year Tony was out of town for work on my bday, so once again it was girls night. This year was kinda cool having the guys join us at South of Beale. It is a very cool bar by the way, and it was perfect for us.
Throwin' up the AX "gang sign" (Just Kidding) that I tried to convince everyone to do in college.

Let's call this next section.."Who's birthday is it anyway.....???"

Tami, Shannon and Me

Tami, Me and Shannon

Jessica, Shannon and Jennifer

Jessica, Shannon and Julie

Shannon and Ernie, ummm, doing the robot!?, well that or a new dance craze.

Greg and Avery give it a thumbs up!

First year having guys at my party, well except last year with Randy :)


Yes, Shannon is STILL talking about his pumpkin from the carving contest, I can hear him now.."My pumpkin was way better than Bryce's"

Birthday Cake Shots..CHEERS!

My banana gladiator heels...notice the matching nail polish :)

Leaving SOB

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