This was a couple of weeks ago, but I still wanted to post about an excellent program that the
Memphis Runners do for women in Memphis. I am a very casual runner, I actually don't like doing it, it is VERY rare that I go out on my own and just run. The only time this happens is when I am really desperate to lose a couple of pounds and I'm sure it will be happening all the time next spring and summer before the wedding! But the program that Memphis Runners puts on is excellent. It starts in the summer and goes for 8 weeks, commencing with a 5k. Several of the women are beginners and have never walked or ran a 5k. I always improve my time a little from what I had been running, only to slack a little in the winter, nonetheless, it gets my butt out there to run on Mondays in the hot Memphis heat! I think it is wonderful to promote exercise and Belinda and I completed the run, that is us above and when I got home I got the best welcome from my boys!!

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