What a wonderful event we attended last week. Our neighbors across the street Jennifer and Carlos were on the host committee for this MIFA event, and we bought our tickets from them. Well the event was well worth it with good drinks and amazing food. Gus's Fried Chicken and Soul Burgers were my favorite, no cheese and crackers here! We ate plenty and danced the night away with Raiford and his daughter Paula. MIFA put on one of the best fund raisers that I have been to!

Mayor AC Warton got in a picture with us while Paula Raiford was walking by and she said that she didn't miss getting in pictures, so hopped in this one with the mayor...kinda an odd bunch wouldn't you say? Like the first lady of the city, huh? First lady of booty shakin' I think..

How crazy was it that Deon and Jennifer Brown were at the party with Deon's sister Kim? I have know Deon and Jennifer since high school in Knoxville. What a small world to see them there are this event.

So we are driving down Peabody and see Ced at the ATM. How crazy is this? Of course I have to hop out and give him a hard time for being MIA lately!!

And in my usual way, I got a picture with Laners when we got home! I don't know Lennox was! Hiding and not wanting to be bothered by my loud self, I'm sure!

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