Here are some random berries that are now growing over our fence. They look very fallish! Today was supposed to be the closing for the sale on my house, but we are delayed!! Ugh..I was supposed to be closing an hour and a half ago and I am pissed!! Some stupid delay in the buyers verification process. I keep hearing it will be cleared up in an hour, then another hour, then another 1-2 hours. I have EVERYTHING lined up and ready to go Thursday when we close on the new house..flooring, fencing, carpet cleaning, Bellsouth, DirecTV...ugh..I do not feel like rescheduling all this mess! Positive thoughts for me please!! I am superstitious and knew the 13th would not be a good day to close...

paws crossed that you closed and everything went smoothly
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
That's a weed. I have'm in my yard too. Don't let the dogs eat them! They'll have upset stomachs and purple diarrhea.
Those berries dye Lane's fur too! ;)
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