Just saw him address the UN. I didn't really follow it. I was actually picking out the words I knew in Farsi. Its so strange to be Persian in the United States sometimes..growing up no one (mostly) never even knew what "Persian" was. I would always be asked, and sometimes still now..Now where is Persia? But now that Iran is one of the most hated countries of the United States, not to mention the Ahmadinejad saying stuff to piss everyone off. I'm very proud of where my dad was born, and not to mention what he and his family have accomplished. I just hate always hearing negative things about Iran....
Update: He's about to answer questions from reporters...Last year during this exchange he claimed there are no gay people in Iran...Ugh...I can't wait to hear what he's gonna say now..
Update: Too boring to pay attention too..really
Larry King Live
Kinda the same ol same ol questions..Larry asked him if he wanted to meet Sarah Palin. I mean who the heck overseas gives a crap about her!? Larry kept saying you have a lot in common, you were both mayors. Ok, he was really reaching there. Larry also asked him where he would want to travel in the US if he could, he said Los Angeles. I guess he wants to tour the star's homes or something. Larry was kissing his butt at the end saying, you look too young to have two children that are married..??..
Ok, so maybe not so newsworthy or even Persian Pit Bull blog worthy...
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