7 random/weird facts about me...
1. I'm having either some obsessive compulsive or Alzheimer's traits lately. Everytime I get in the car, I can't remember if I turned something off or even if I locked the door. I have gone back in the house almost everytime for second guessing myself. It's almost like this weird fear the dogs will get hurt by my hair straightener, or open the door and run around the neighborhood, or worse invite people in the house.
2. I get really irritated when I send out an evite or email and invite people to do things and they don't respond. People are always complaining they don't have things to do or we don't get together enough, then they don't respond at all. I'm not going to cry if you don't want to come! And on evite it shows every time you have looked at it! Just respond! So annoying!!
3. I HATE TAN LINES. I lay out in my backyard in just a thong sometimes. We have a six foot fence in the back yard and in between the fence and the house right behind us is a bunch of green foliage. I pretend those people can't see me. And if they can, I really don't care. It looks so bad going to a wedding or event and a woman is wearing a gorgeous dress and they have huge white halter stripes around their neck. I HATE TAN LINES.
4. I still have every AX party tshirt and every 5k race tshirt in clear plastic containers in my garage. I actually just went through all of them and got rid of (having a garage sale on Saturday) some random tshirts.. like the XL hip hop tshirts that I wore in some phase in college, and the free tshirts that are thrown into the crowd at basketball games. Sorority girls, you know you cant put those shirts in your garage sales or give them to the Salvation Army. Not just anyone can wear those! So they will stay in those containers in my garage until I make a quilt or something.
5. I love milk. I can drink a 1 gallon jug of skim milk in about a week by myself.
6. I cant get rid of magazines. I subscribe to Elle, Vibe, Harper's Bazaar, Self, W, Vogue, Traveler, and Playboy. (oooh, that's one within one! Bonus! Yes I subscribe to Playboy. I got an offer in the mail for like $12 for the year and I subscribed. So its in my name not Tony's. I like the articles and the pictures. It's not raunchy at all and its good motivation at times.) Anyway, I don't throw the magazine's away. I have a collection on one of my shelves in my garage. Its getting out of hand and Tony and I argue about it all the time!
7. I talk to Lennox and Lane like they are people. Well, babies actually. I baby talk them, kiss them on their foreheads, rub their ears. They are my family. When Tony was in Seattle and I was alone a lot, Lennox was my buddy. I couldn't have done it with out him. I don't understand how people can live alone and not have a pet! We don't revolve our lives around them, but they are a major part of it. Tony gave me the best gift almost 5 years ago in Lennox. Now I have such an immense appreciation for their breed and their struggle. I may not have known how wonderful Pit Bulls are unless he didn't surprise me with Lennox!