Ok, so Tony came home a couple weeks ago and informed me that we joined the Cordova Athletic Club. We had toured it a couple of months ago, but were undecided. But I guess Tony just felt like we needed to join so he did for a year for the both of us. I used to sell memberships at the best club in Knoxville, so all the joining up/orientation stuff brought some memories back. Like the front desk..only one person works behind this desk instead of 2 to 3 of us that did back at FSHFC. We used to have so much fun folding towels and chatting with the members. Well I thought I should see where I was at. I took the fitness evaluation and was shocked. I had gained about six pounds since this summer. I Jazzercise and besides running and doing 5k's that's all I've been doing. Prior to that a group of us were working out a D1, but when our trainers all left, from Tony, to Matt, then Mike, we all quit going. So I guess stopping that has made me gain some lbs!! So I hope working out here I can lose a few. I actually signed up for their promotion to lose 8 pounds by December 1. This is how it works, I pay $20 and as long as I lose 8 lbs by the deadline (Dec 1) I get my money back, plus anyone else's that didn't complete the program divided by those who finished. So wish me luck! I'm going to keep on Jazzercising and doing classes at the Cordova Athletic Club at night and running when I can. My goal is actually to lose 10 lbs by December 1st, so 5lbs in October and 5lbs in November..Now if I could only learn to eat right!
Good luck Kembree - I know you can do it!
I just recently joined FSHFC and I love it! I just wish they had the same deal with getting your money back if you lose so many pounds. That's really motivating! Good luck!
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