Happy MLK day to everyone..I just feel like I am trying to soak in as much of this history as I can. I would have LOVED to be in DC this weekend and tomorrow. I'm having to settle to be in the city where Martin Luther King was shot and killed. Memphis has made some major strides, but most of the city is still pretty segregated. Tony is usually the only black person most of the places we go. He never complains, but I really try to make sure we do lots of diverse things, that's how I have been my entire life anyway. We have the National Civil Rights Museum here and Tony, Kelly and I are going to meet and watch the swearing in and other inauguration activities. We watched one of the specials on HBO yesterday from the Lincoln Memorial with performances from Will I Am, Sheryl Crowe, Beyonce, Shakira, Mary J. Blige, Stevie Wonder, Usher, U2....Tiger Woods, Samuel L. Jackson, Steve Carrell, Jack Black, Jamie Foxx, Denzel Washington all spoke. It was amazing how happy everyone seems and the crowd was full and going wild. I just don't remember either watching or being into this with George W.

We went to Hooter's yesterday to watch the NFC and AFC Championships. I'm excited about the Super Bowl matchup..Ok, since when do little girls under 10 years old, have their birthday parties at Hooter's? There were THREE parties all with cake, balloons and singing THREE times by the entire Hooter girl's staff. Now we are getting so desperate in finding places to watch games these days. I am a MAJOR TV snob, Tony is too! We have two HD Plasma and LCD TV's, one is a 52" and the other is a 42". Clear as they can be, you can almost see every blade of grass on the football field during the games and that's how I like it! We paid a lot for these TV's so sometimes we just like to stay home and watch the big games, but sometimes you gotta get out and socialize and watch the games. Well Mary Ruth has been talking about Hooter's for sometime now so we decided to join her last week, they have TONS of TV's and most in HD. Probably the best set up in our area, and a HUGE bonus, NONSMOKING! Very rare to find a nonsmoking sports bar with good TV's here in Memphis. So Hooter's I guess is taking on a family environment, hence the kiddie parties. I mean nothing is wrong with it I guess, but what little girl requests a party at Hooter's? I mean are they making invitations now with boobs popping out of a shirt or something? Or more kid friendly like with an owl or something..??...Oh and by the way, the girls look NOTHING like any on the website or in the calendars...but an upgrade from the Hooter's girls downtown on Beale.
Little girl BD parties at Hooters??? Now there's nothing wrong with hooters... but still... not where I would want to take my little girl for her BD .. if I had a girl... I have a boy and he's not having his BD party there either!!!
I cannot fathom someone letting their children into that place, let alone have a party there! Wow.
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