We recently traveled to Florida to meet Tony's new nephew Kaleb. He was only 2 weeks old when we arrived. We had a great time meeting the little guy and spending time with Tony's brother Shamus and his fiance Ariel. We also got a nice little 'mini-vacation' because Shamus and Ariel live about 10 minutes from Daytona Beach. We stayed at the Shores Resort and Spa in Daytona Shores and I highly recommend it. It was the only 4 Diamond AAA resort in the area. We can't wait to see little Kaleb again very soon. He was so tiny and adorable and next time he will have grown so much. Tony made note of how big his hands and feet were, knowing that he inherited his athletic ability. Maybe he will be a Volunteer in the future..
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I am 32 today. Wow...32! I guess it should feel different..but I really don't. Although 32 is more 'into my 30's' than 31. But I'm inspired. Hillary's speech last night at the DNC was amazing. I really admire people like her that can really get a crowd going. But the speeches before her were a little on the BORING side. There are those that should speak to a crowd and those who shouldn't. I was talking to the dogs while Tony was finishing up some work. I looked over at Lennox and said "Do you want to vote for Barack Obama??" He lifted up his head and perked up his ears. I was thinking, wow, he's really been listening to all this hype. I looked over at Lane, who was doing his best John McCain impression, white(pale), wrinkled, asleep on the couch. Said the same to him, he didn't move. So I said it again to Lennox, "Do you wanna vote for Barack Obama?". He then jumped up off the couch and ran to the door. "Tony, watch Lennox, he is really political this year!!" Tony then squashes my "dog is the smartest dog ever'" moment, "It sounds similar to "Do you want to go for a walk". Lennox loves walks and is majorly overdue for one!! Yes, I hear it now..Barack=Walk. Oops..well I still think my dogs are the best ever!
I'll be spending my afternoon with some other wonderful dogs at the Humane Society today. I'm bringing them lots and lots of treats that Shannon and Andrea have given me to donate. This should be fun...then Tony and I are out on the town this evening..
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lennox and Lane Need to be Calendar Boys!!
Ok, so it's that time....
There is a contest going on here in Memphis for the cutest dog(s) and we all know that Lennox and Lane deserve that honor!! My favorite organization that I volunteer for the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County is having a 2009 Calendar Contest. You can vote for only $1 and give to a wonderful organization. And...get Lennox and Lane in the calendar!!!
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have BOTH of my babies in the calendar!!
#174 is Lennox and Lane hugging on the Persian Rug
#175 is Lane looking so sweet, coming home from a trip to Knoxville
#176 is Lennox giving his best Pit Bull Smile for the camera
Thanks in advance!!! I will post their gorgeous pictures later....Vote as many times as you like!
Happy Birthday Jekia!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Orange Blazers to Greatest American Dog...

Well My 32nd birthday is in less than a week. Whew! 32 just feels...older...And I really felt old when Tony said last night,
ya and I have 3 more y
ears before I'm 30! Ugh, thanks..we celebrated Jessica's birthday at Blue Monkey this month and Alane had a birthday last week in Knoxville. So I'm in good company for August Birthdays. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE to celebrate my birthday. Since I moved to Memphis 7 years ago, I've had a fun girl's night on the Thursday around my actual
birthday. I was always Tony-less on my bday's bc Tony was always starting the football season. It's actually nice the since the past year that I get to celebrate with him, but I haven't gotten away from still doing a girls nigh
t, they got my through a lot being alone! This year we are going to Mollie Fontaine Lounge. I can't wait!!!! 

sure who we are rooting for, but I think Lane wants to jump in the TV and play with the other dogs sometimes. Not sure yet who we are rooting for, but it might be the Boxer, Presley. I can't imagine Lennox or Lane on there doing all the tricks and such they have to do...I consider them The Greatest American Dogs...
Something else great we did on the date of 8.8.08 was going to Katie and Michael's wedding, it was a lot of fun!!..not to mention delicious food! A couple weeks before they had a super-fun Mexican Theme couples shower..we
all had a blast...and you can tell in the above picture!
Lane and I have enjoyed watching Greatest American Dog. Tony and Lennox really haven't gotten into like we did. Lennox doesn't watch TV. He has more important things to do, like relax on the couch. I'm not
Reality TV,
UT Football,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
JazzerDog, 2 Dogs 2000 Miles, Paw Prints
I am very lucky to say that I am (part) sponsor of a BuddyDog. These dog statues were named after Buddy, a 3 legged dog that lives at the Humane Society. He is the "official mascot" of the Humane Society after being adopted out 3 times and returned all 3 times. This is the 75th anniversary of the Humane Society in Memphis and to celebrate 75 groups/individuals were given the opportunity to sponsor a BuddyDog. I am sure many of you have seen the Pandas in Washington DC, the cows in TX ,etc, etc. 5 of us (Loren, Regina, Courtney, Julie W and me) went in and sponsored a BuddyDog. We got paired up with an incredible a

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
8 Great Years!
I know I am behind on things going on in my life, but I am going to catch up and be current soon, that being said..I couldn't not post something about my anniversary with Tony. We met 8 years ago on July 18. We had a weekend of celebrating this year. On Friday, the actual date, we went to Itta Bena downtown. Itta Bena is the small Mississippi town where BB King was born. Its a newer restaurant, less than a year old. They don't advertise, its strictly word of mouth. It actually in the same building as BB Kings, but there is a separate entrance. We made reservations, I don't know why bc there were only about 4 other people in there when we got there and about 12 in there total when we left. The service was great, the food was excellent, I just think next time we will go a little later. After that we did something we never do-hang out on Beale Street! We made our way down to Ground Zero, decided we would come back later..then to the Westin bar. Love the Westin hotel, so new and contemporary. From there we walked down Beale and watched all the street entertainers, the flippers, the singers..went to Rum Boogie for a little while to hear a Stax cover band, walked down Beale again and I pooped out! The next day I ran another 5k for the Make a Wish foundation and that night was Earth Wind and Fire. The Botanic Garden is an awesome outdoor venue. We saw Al Green there last year. Its so fun to bring your own food and drinks, grab a blanket and a lawn chair. We went with Cedrick, significant bc Ced actually is the reason Tony and I met. 8 long years ago, Ced called me and told me that he and Jamal were having a party in Gatlinburg and to come and bring some girls. I did, everyone else hooked up with someone and Tony and I were left..the rest is history..more than I feel like typing right now, but nonetheless that's when I met my Freshman to be Tony Brown. Did I mention I was graduating with my Masters the next month??...anyway back to current time and EWF! Kelly and her aunt had tickets and we shared our blankets with them too. Made for a fun evening! EWF was a lot of fun, they did all their hits...September, Boogie Wonderland, Shining Star, After the Love is Gone, Reasons..I could go on and on, they have so many hits! We were all up dancing. Yes after going through about 4 bottles of wine and at least a case of beer, everyone was dancing. Here's to 8 Great Years..and many more to come!
Beale Street,
Botanic Garden's,
Itta Bena,
Rum Boogie
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Tres Jazz New Orleans

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Let's talk about it..

So, much going on in the world, I just have to talk about it. Ok, what about this lady cloning her Pit Bull, Booger? I have mixed thoughts on this. There are Pit Bulls all over the place, they are one of the hardest breed to place and a breed that is not for everyone. Raising two of them, I don't know how this lady is going to raise 5 of them after mortgaging her home. Heck, Courtney and I played with about 20 puppies of all shapes, sizes, colors, breed-mixes yesterday at the HSMSC. On the other side of the coin, I love, love, love my 2 boys and if it wasn't as expensive as $50,000, I might consider it. But of course I think there needs to be breeding/spay/neuter laws and all that so there aren't shelters full of Pit Bulls and others. Thank God, I volunteer at a place that gives all breeds a chance. But wow, I cant believe this has been done, but how damn cute are those puppies!?

Ok, gotta talk about Brett Farve. I'm happy for him if he's happy, but gosh its been nonstop on ESPN all day! I just wonder how long it is going to take him to learn Eric Mangini's intricate offense, and can he do it with another team? I'm sad he wont finish his career as a Packer, but if he didn't put it all out there last year and he still has some left, I totally welcome him back. Tony has had to explain it from a player's prospective. But the Jets!?! I've never followed them. I've followed almost every other team, but not them.
Of course this year I'm watching the Brown's. The Jet's play the Brown's tonight, I wonder if Brett will travel to Cleveland, I doubt it...media circus. Gosh Brett looks like my friend Steve Boucher so much in this picture...crazy!?

Ok, the local news has been all about Morgan Freeman. He had a car accident, almost died, now its out that he is going through a divorce, poor guy. Most importantly he needs to get his butt out of the MED and get good medical attention. Love his new Ground Zero downtown.

I am LOVING the whole Anderson Cooper v. The Lohans! Ha, a serious journalist who travels all around the world to cover stories and who watches all the craziness of reality TV! Love it! I have watched Living Lohan and agree how silly it is and Ali does look about 42 years old, poor thing!! And it is funny how everyone on the show is always talking about Lindsay, but she's never on there! The Lohan's should be happy someone like Anderson Cooper is even talking about them! I cant wait to hear what he thinks about LC and The Hills. Speaking of mindless TV, I can't WAIT to see who wins So You Think You Can Dance. I have been addicted to this show every week and my money's on Joshua, but I love all four!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Our anniversary with Lane, its been 1 year!
Well it was a year ago that we decided to foster a little puppy named Lane. I had been volunteering at the Humane Society for 6 months and 4 little Pit Bull puppies caught my eye. It is protocol to keep puppies in the 'Not Ready' area in the back on the Humane Society until they can be spayed or neutered at around 3 months of age. Actually all dogs are kept in the 'Not Ready' area until they are spayed or neutered and then can be in the main kennels up for adoption. Lane's siblings were Kelly, Wrangler and Tuff. 2 were fawn with black masks and the other was brindle and looked just like Lennox as a puppy. The 4 were named after characters in the movie '8 Seconds'. Re

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