I am very lucky to say that I am (part) sponsor of a BuddyDog. These dog statues were named after Buddy, a 3 legged dog that lives at the Humane Society. He is the "official mascot" of the Humane Society after being adopted out 3 times and returned all 3 times. This is the 75th anniversary of the Humane Society in Memphis and to celebrate 75 groups/individuals were given the opportunity to sponsor a BuddyDog. I am sure many of you have seen the Pandas in Washington DC, the cows in TX ,etc, etc. 5 of us (Loren, Regina, Courtney, Julie W and me) went in and sponsored a BuddyDog. We got paired up with an incredible a

Besty Bird. We came up with a theme using her style, but each of us getting to put a signature item on Buddy. Loren wanted her cat Twinkie, Regina wanted her boat, Courtney wanted a martini glass and Julie W. got a
religious fish. What did I get...???..A
POWER T! Love my Vols and since everyone in my family went there and Tony and I met there, it is significant.Go Vols!! I think we are going to go
around town and find all the BuddyDogs and get pictures with them. JazzerDog resides at Cordova Jazzercise until she will be auctioned off again on November 8, along with all the other BuddyDogs. I hope she gets a good home. Andrea, Kelly and I ran the Fayette County Dog Daze 5k a couple weekends ago and met Luke Robinson. Luke is doing something amazing for a wonderful cause. He is traveling from Austin to Boston with his two dogs, Murphy and Hudson. Their walk is called
2 dogs 2000 Miles. Murphy and Hudson are
Great Pyranees. He is bringing awareness to cancer in animals. According to his website, they want to rid the world of disease.

When we spoke with him he was telling us how behind cancer research was in animals and really wants it to get on the cutting edge. His website has a sweet memorial to all of those lost to cancer. Nashville girls, check out his website, he's there next! He was so interesting to meet. I guess I was so inspired that I ran my best time at a 5k and broke my end of the year goal. I ran it in 30:41. I was so pleased, but of course that was the first 5k for Fayette County and they didn't have it recorded, no pictures, nothing, just my luck, huh!? Ok, scratch that, I just found it on their
site and it says someone named Kembree Dardshan ran it in 25:54, wow, even better! Although that is impossible and incorrect! That night Tony and I attended the Paw Prints Gala celebrating 75 years of 2nd chances. Held at Temple Israel it is the annual fundraiser for the Humane Society. We had a lot of fun. I was in charge of the volunteers that night, I love to help out and met a lot of fun people. I also monitored the silent auction and while doing that , bid on SEVERAL items. Tony helped check in the guests, when he got done, he was bidding on items as well, all for a good cause right? Well we ended up getting 4 items: An original Disney
sericel of Mickey and Pluto, Mickey is holding a

genie lamp, so of course I wanted that, a canceled check by Alex Haley that was framed and signed (Tony wanted this and we were the only people who bid), a photography session, and a size 13 shoe autographed by
Dominique Wilkins and
Mike Miller. Ok, so the shoe has cause some controversy. Again, we were the only people who bid on this shoe. While we bid, Commercial Appeal writer Michael Donahue comes over and takes all kids of pictures of us...I mean like the paparazzi. I felt like we were on the red carpet. Asked us who we were wearing, etc, etc. Tony had on all name brands, I had on some random dress I bought in the Dillard's juniors department about 2 years ago that was off-white and I have never worn it. Mainly bc it is white and you cant wear that to weddings, and that's all we do these days! At least my shoes were
bebe and I got to sound fashionable. So we thought wow, there will be some big write up.
Nope!! Small picture in the CA, not the best of me, but in the article its ALL ABOUT TONY, not me, Kembree, Volunteer of the Year for the Humane Society, running around all night helping with the event, encouraged Tony to come, etc, etc, No, just all about Tony, Seattle Seahawks and how the Mike M

iller shoe is in Tony's trophy room! We didn't even KNOW Mike Miller had signed the shoe until after we 'won' it. Dominique is in the HOF! The caption under the photo says "At Paw Prints, Tony Brown was high bidder on a basketball shoe autographed by ex-Grizzly Mike Miller. With him in Kembree Darakshani" It should continue and say ..who was Volunteer of the Year at the Humane Society as well as Wednesday Group Leader and volunteers at every event to benefit the Humane Society. I know I"m full of it! Well at least we made
Happy Belated Anniversary to you & Tony! :) And you are getting your Masters??? I am definitely out of the loop. I'd love to see you sometime this weekend - I'll call sometime Friday on our way to town.
Ha! Nooo, when we met 8 years ago I was getting my Masters! and he was starting college..Please call me!
Crazy that we named our baby after you and we have never even met! I am just kidding, we actually had a really hard time trying to name her and one night my husband just said "what about Kembree". It wasn't until we were in the delivery room that it was official, but he has no idea where he heard it. What about you where did your parents come up with it?
My mom just claims she made my name up! :) I have a sister named Mika (my dad is Kami, rearranged letters) and a brother named Kamron. So I guess my parent's like unusual names :)
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