We flew into Orlando on Friday instead of
Daytona Beach this time. Tony's brother lives in Port Orange right outside of
Daytona and we like to stay in
Daytona Shores. The plane is bigger and the flight is a nonstop into Orlando, so we did it this time. We had some fabulous seafood at
Fulton's in Downtown Disney. I really wanted to check out Disney or Universal Studios, but its almost $80 each to go...and since it was already an expensive trip on
MLK holiday weekend, we decided to just hang out and walk around Downtown Disney. The ladies at the airport kept suggestion Holy Land, and I
couldn't understand what they were saying. We kept asking..until we passed Holy Land, and yep that's what they were saying! The cute birds above were hanging around on the boat/restaurant we were eating in. Did I mention how good the food was? Ahhh fresh Florida seafood! YUM...

My nephew
Brayden is just
SOOO into
Legos, well we went to the Lego's Store were I got him some cute stuff and took pictures with all the
lego creations. Here I am with Lego Jesse (for you Kelly) and the rest of the dog walking crew...reminds me of my dog walking days at the Humane Society...shout out to my Wednesday group!

So we were walking around all the stores and in the window there were 'bride' and 'groom' ears. Well they were out of the bride ones, so I had to deal with the Ed Hardy version. Gosh you can buy ANYTHING Disney in these stores..its amazing.

im going somewhere warm for my next vacation thats for sure! no more of this 12 degrees business
Love the pic of the dogs!!! Too cute!
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