I have loved seeing the Rachel Ray commercials for her new dog food Nutrish all this week. It so great to see her playing with her Pit Bull Isaboo. Now I don't know if I will switch over from what I give my boys, but its awesome to see a Pit Bull in a positive light on tv. Isaboo reminds me of Miracle who was a 2 year resident of the Humane Society and I loved her so much! More Pit Bulls on TV positively please!!...

My girls were so excited to see those commercials!
I switched to her food just to see if my dogs liked it, plus her proceeds go to animal charities. My dogs love it so I've kept them on it!
Happy Thanksgiving!
It's funny how owners and their pets resemble each other...
My daughter hates commercial animal food and feeds her pets raw food. Imagine what I thought when I walked into my family room to find half of a raw chicken (bones and all)lying in the middle of the floor. It was Duncan's dinner and every now and then he'd walk by and give it a swipe with his tongue. Only after he was done tormenting my cat did he settle down and devour the whole thing. I might add, Vet Tech Girl gets very upset when anyone questions her methods. And while she micro-manages her pet's diets, she herself eats way too much junk food! (I've seen your baby's birthday pictures and now I don't feel so alone!)
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