For the Alabama game, UT coordinated a 1998 Championship Team Reunion. It was held at the Tennessee Theatre and was open to the general public to purchase tickets. I would say it was well worth the $50 that was charged. UT (Tiffany) did an excellent job honoring this team. When I arrived it was raining, yet it didn't stop the Big Orange fans clad in their orange and white sweatshirts and jeans from lining up around the block.

I will say lots were sporting that 'vintage look'. I went in a side entrance and met my friends Neisha and Peerless Price and we waited in the Green Room before the event began. Coach Fulmer, his wife Vicki and daughter Brittany joined us shortly afterwards. Then the rest of the guys participating in the forum

Jeff Hall, Al Wilson and Billy Ratliff. It was really good to see all of those guys bc it had been a long time since I had seen them. UT won the National Championship when I was in graduate school, so I was right in the middle of all the excitement then. It was soon time for all of the guys to go on stage, so the girls and I went up quickly to our seats. Great seats by the way..front row center..

The program was wonderful. The Pride of the Southland Marching Band marched in playing Rocky Top down the ailes to start things off. Bob Kesling hosted while the guys I mentioned before and the GREAT John Ward reminisced through all of the games in that magical undefeated might I add, 1998 season. It sounded so rehearsed, it sounded like these guys get together every

Saturday and talk about this, but I know it had been years since some of them had been together. Jeff told his funny "Do it for Winchester" stories and kidded Peerless about getting celebration penalties and making him kick from further away. Al

talked about when he got injured for a couple games and had to a sideline motivator. I don't think Tennessee has had a player with the same intensity and leadership of an Al Wilson since, watching those highlights, makes you just realize how 'one of a kind' he was for a college player. And then there was one of the greatest plays of the season, in which Al said Billy picked up the Arkansas QB, threw him down and then recovered

the fumble, thus the Vols winning the game. And who could forget those catches that Peerless made all season long not to mention those in the National Championship game against FL State. They talked about how much confidence the Seminoles had in that game and how much trash they talked. My personal highlight from that season was rushing the field after the FL game

and wondering if I was going to get in trouble because I was a Vol Hostess. After this part of the programs, the entire Championship Team came out on the stage. Neisha and I had been planning a exciting little surprise for Peerless for the past few weeks. After the Reunion we had

arranged for everyone to attend an afterparty at
Sapphire downtown. Peerless's birthday was on Monday, so the timing was perfect. All of the guys walked the 2 blocks down Gay Street to Sapphire and enjoyed the yummy food and libations. Neisha called

me in time to know when they were on the way. Everyone gathered in the front and we had the DJ play Peerless's
favorite song. (Thanks Aaron)We got him! He was totally surprised!! It was so good to see everyone from that era again. Some of the older guys came too. Joey Kent came and flattered me with the BEST compliment I had heard all night. "Kembree when are you going to start aging!" Oh, music to my ears, he sure knows how to flatter a girl!.....Everyone talked, laughed, ate, drank, laughed. It was a perfect night.

I was so glad everything went over without any problems. The cake was too cute too with the sparkler candles. The night was coming to end, not to mention we had to wake up in time to start tailgating and get ready to beat Bama! The tailgating was a lot of fun. Al set up a tailgate in G-10, including Mark Levine on the grill. Another good time to be had. I got to finally meet Billy and Crystal's adorable little boy Issac. I hadn't talked to Crystal in a couple years and never even knew she was pregnant. That's what these events are for..for everyone to catch up with what is going on in everyone's lives now. They honored the entire team on the field before the game as the 'Legends of the game. I still think its

funny hearing Mikki tell the story of how some guys who weren't on the Championship team going out in the middle of the field and getting honored and then running through the T. It was hilarious, you must ask Mikki to tell you the story if you see him soon! He had me and Jekia cracking up. I guess those guys were just living in the moment, hehehehe...oh well, Now I cant say that the game held up the same standard as the rest of the weekend. We all sat in the

same section, but it emptied out before the 4th quarter even started. Need I say more about the game? Ugh....That night Fred White was hosting a party at 106 in the Old City. I stopped by there to chat at Alane and Jekia. For some reason everyone said Corey

started a rumor about a shooting there and no one was going. I went anyway to see Alane in her 'element'. I have to say the numbers were down for that party. Sad for Fred. He tried to get something fun organized. My girl Alane works there and I'm sure its a fine place, it looked cool from what I saw. I heard from the 'all knowing' EMo that the party now was at Purada, which is the old Michael's. I cant believe EMo had the info, he was always the one of the younger guys hanging around (always on crutches), like my little brother :) Well and dating all my girlfriends :) Sure enough, that is where the party was. Although there were some interesting partygoers leftover from the Michael's days, I stayed for a couple of hours and then went home. I had relived my college days enough that weekend and was in dire need of some sleep!! I wish I could get all the 150 pictures I took this weekend on here..well until Snapfish...