Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I got locked out

of my blog! Tony made me some new gmail accounts for some reason so I could use ichat with my sister and for some reason it stuck on my blog. So I finally 'broke' in so I could do some posting. I really wanted to recap wedding details, but I am so behind. I am thinking it might help me figure out what I have left to do! Only 25 days! My extra time has been spent writing thank you notes, not that I am complaining and my social calendar has been extra full..again I'm not complaining! So hopefully soon I will get a post up detailing all that I have been working on! Let's hope I can do something before Friday and leaving for Miami for my bachelorette party!!


Layla said...

Hooray! Glad you're back!

sammy said...

wow it has been a long time!

i know how it goes though. glad you're back.

tell tony i said what up

Kembree said...

thanks guys I wil be more regular! I swear it!

Damie said...

I have been a bad blogger- sorry so out of touch. hope things are going great for you and the countdown is going fast!

Silver MLM said...

I'm glad you are back, I love your blog.
Kenneth Copeland

abo-bder said...

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Yang Kuo said...

Hooray! Glad you're back!


World of Animals, Inc said...

We are glad that you were able to get back online. Looks like we will be looking for updates from you soon. Thanks for sharing the update. Have a great rest of your day.
World of Animals